Sensory control requirements for the architectural design of hospital operating theatres Aug 02, 2024
Issues related to the construction of the Department of Surgery (room)
a. The basic principles of the design of the operating department are in line with the positioning of the hospital, business model, specialist layout, surgical capacity, and the degree of intelligence; in line with the prevention and control of infectious diseases and the need for prevention and control of hospital infections; in line with the principles of hospital infection prevention and control, with a reasonable layout, clear zoning, and clear labelling; in line with the basic principles of function, flow, and cleanliness and pollution partitioning; and in line with the hygienic requirements of hospitals (prevention of infections and hazardous gases and chemical substances). (Danger).
b. Surgery Department (room) location selection surgery department (room) should not be located in the first floor and the top of high-rise buildings, the first floor is usually a large flow of people, susceptible to contamination and interference, it is difficult to ensure that the environment is quiet; the top of the roof leakage may be, and the Department of Surgery for the clean requirements of the high, and energy-consuming. Newly built clean operating theatres should avoid sources of pollution and stay away from medical sewage treatment stations. The Department of Surgery should be a self-contained area, it is appropriate and surgical care unit adjacent to the emergency department, interventional therapy, intensive care unit (ICU), pathology, central (disinfection) supply room, blood bank and other related departments convenient path.
c. The necessity of the construction of clean operation department ‘Hospital Sterilisation Hygiene Standard (GB15982-2012)’ mentions that the operation room is divided into Class Ι environment and Class Ⅱ environment, and the evaluation of grade hospitals does not require that the operation must be carried out in a clean operation room. Medical institutions at all levels can be based on the size, nature, task requirements, set up ordinary operating room or (and) clean operating room, is not required to set up, can use air purification technology to achieve the requirements of the surgical environment.
d. Number of operating rooms Setting up the number of operating rooms should be approved according to the type of hospital, the number of beds and the annual volume of surgery, the number of operating rooms / the number of beds in the surgical system = 1:20 ~ 1:25. The number of operating rooms is calculated in accordance with the formula, A = B × T × 365 / (T × W × N). Note: A: number of operating rooms, B: number of beds for surgical patients, T: average number of days in hospital, W: annual working days in the operating theatre, N: average number of surgical tables per operating room per day, T: average number of days in hospital. With the increase in the volume of day surgery, it is appropriate to appropriately increase the number of operating theatre settings.
e. The main technical indicators of hospital clean operating room indoor pressure are required for positive pressure, temperature and humidity range of the lower limit for the lowest value in winter, the upper limit for the highest value in summer. Humidity does not meet the standard should not exceed 5 days / year, 2 consecutive days do not meet the standard should not exceed 2 times / year, such as exceeding the standard should be traced back to the cause.
f. The internal plane of the Department of Clean Surgery and the form of the clean zone corridor in the Department of Surgery in the form of the plane layout of the majority of forms, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, but should be in line with the function and process is reasonable, clean and dirty separation of the principle of clean and dirty, in accordance with the evidence-based design ideas of the Department of Clean Surgery of various types of plane layout mode after a comprehensive analysis of the plan form of the operating theatre to determine the form of the operating theatre.

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